
阅读理解 It was a hot day. Lion and Goat were both thirsty, but the pool was small. Goat bent down his head to drink when Lion came up beside him and shouted angrily, “I shall drink first. I’m King of all the animals. Get out of my way!” “No,” said Goat. “I shall drink first. I found the water. You can wait till I have finished.” “You will drink it all up, ” said Lion. “There is not very much left, and I’m nearly dead with thirst.” “And I haven’t had a drop all day, ” answered Goat. So they quarreled. Lion chased(追赶)Goat to the top of a small hil7.如图所示,电压表内阻很大,电源内阻为r.R1、R2为定值电阻.闭合开关S,当把滑动变阻器R3的滑片P由N端向M端移动时(  )A.电压表的示数和电压表的示数均变大B.电压表的示数变小,和电压表的示数变大C.电压表的示数变化量大于电压表的示数变化量D.电压表的示数变化量小于电压表的示数变化量
英语 试题推荐