
The police do many things for us.They help keep our things and us safe.They help keep cars moving safely.They take care of people who are hurt.     The police go around towns to see that everything is all right.They get around towns in many ways.Some of them walk or go by car.In some big cities,some of the police are on foot.     As they go around towns,the police help people.Sometimes they find lost children and take the children home.If the police saw a fight,they put an end to it right away.Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town13.在历史“学习与探究”活动课中,同学们对如图所示局面形成的原因进行讨论。小明说:“这是辛亥革命的结果”。小丽说:“这是五四运动的结果”。你赞同谁的观点,请说明理由。
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