
Have you ever stayed up late one night? Did you feel tired the next day? Did you feel bad-tempered? It is because your body missed its sleep! So why does a good night’s sleep make you feel better? Scientists have studied sleep to find the answer to this question. They have found some different reasons.     First, sleep helps your body stay healthy. 1 Even though you are sleeping, your body is still active. Sleep gives your body a chance to repair itself. Sleep also helps your body to rest. How? Your body does not need as much energy when it slows down. The beat of your heart and y【化学—有机化学基础】 (1)有机物X的相对分子质量小于100,1mol有机物X完全燃烧生成等物质的量的CO2和H2O,同时消耗标准状况下O2112L。         ①该有机物X的分子式为            。         A.C4H8                 B.C2H4O             C.C4H8O2                      D.C10H20C20 ②若X能发生银镜反应,但不能发生水解反应,且能与Na反应产生氢气,则其可能的结构有          种。    (2)对氨基水杨酸钠是一种抑制结核杆菌的药物,合成路线如下:         ①化合物D中显酸性官能团的名称是              。 ②下列说法正确的是              。 A.反应I属于取代反应,反应II属于氧化反应 B.对氨基水杨酸钠既能与盐酸反应,也能与氢氧化钠溶液反应 C.化合物A—F均属于芳香烃 D.试剂X可为KMnO4,试剂Y可为过量盐酸 ③由A生成B的反应方程式为                    (注明反应条件) ④化合物E的结构简式为                              。
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