
Get a job.___16___.Even if parents give you money,earning your own pay puts you on a path to success by giving you the opportunity to learn time management,job responsibility,leadership skills,teamwork,and life skills.Also, earning your own pay puts money in your pockets,and what you do with your earnings should be put to you. ___17___Pocket money,gifts,and pay will be your sources of income as a teenager.Learning to manage money starts with tracking how you spend that income.Create a money diary where you write down all your spending for a given time period,either weekly or monthly.___下列句子排列顺序正确的一项是(2分)                      (    )①唯有对自己的人生负责,他才有可能自觉地选择和承担起对他人和社会的责任。②相反,一个不爱人生的人怎么会爱他人和爱事业?③正如歌德所说:“责任就是对自己要求去做的事情有一种爱。”④因为这种爱,所以负责本身就成了生命意义的一种实现,就能从中获得心灵的满足。⑤对自己人生的责任心是其余一切责任心的根源。 A.⑤①②④③ B.⑤①③④② C.⑤②①③④ D.⑤③①②④
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