
阅读下面的文段,完成小题(每小题3分,共6分) 杜甫,字子美,本襄阳人,后徙河南巩县。曾祖依艺,位终巩令。祖审言,位终膳部员外郎,自有传。父闲,终奉天令。 甫天宝初应进士不第。天宝末,献《三大礼赋》。玄宗奇之,召试文章,授京兆府兵曹参军。十五载,禄山陷京师,肃宗征兵灵武。甫自京师宵遁赴河西,谒肃宗于彭原郡,拜右拾遗。房琯布衣时与甫善,时琯为宰相,请自帅师讨贼,帝许之。其年十月,琯兵败于陈涛斜。明年春, 根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一词。(共l0小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 71.They have offered me many__________.(建议) 72.Some of the information is worth_________ (复习) 73.一The powerful red_________(平衡)the calm white. 74.All the students must be treated__________.(平等) 75.He has_________(致力于)all his time to helping the poor。 76.Some colours can make us feel calm and_________.(安宁) 77.He couldn’t remember the_________(导演)name of the film. 78.I'll have my bad tooth_________ (拔出)out tomorrow. 79.That event marked the beginning of his successful_________.(生涯) 80.She began to learn to play the piano in her____________.(四十多岁)
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