
 It is usually said, knowledge is a pot, in it, the more you fill, the thirstier it becomes, the pot of knowledge can never be said to be full filled. There is so much to learn it, as if one keeps on studying for the whole life, you cannot achieve the status of being perfect and a complete genius. Education is anything, which a person keeps on learning for the whole life. There are different factor, which contribute towards a healthy and prosperous living, and education is one of them. One needs be educated enough to deal with all the matters of his field, made himself the master of th某有机物的结构简式如下,下列有关该有机物的叙述中不正确的是A. 其分子式为 C9H10OB. 能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色C. 一定条件下,1mol 该有机物理论上最多能与 4mol H2 发生加成反应D. 一定条件下,1mol 该有机物理论上最多能与 4mol Br2 发生加成反应
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