
有关亚洲说法错误的是(     )。 A、世界上面积最大的洲。           B、跨经度最广的洲。 C、跨纬度最广的洲。               D、跨东西距离最长的洲。 答案:B根据中文提示完成句子1.China was __________ (建立)in 1949.2.He was from Anhui Province in __________(东部的)China.3.He stayed at home to look after his __________(生病的)daughter.4.There are flowers and national __________(国旗)everywhere.5.Our teacher asked me to make a short __________(演讲)in front of the classroom.6.Deng Yaping is good at __________(打)table tennis.7.Deng Yaping went to university __________(在国外).8.Could you lend me your __________(工具)?I need them to fix my car.9.There are no good ways to __________ (治疗) Ebola virus in the world at this moment.10.My father always__________(洗)the dishes after dinner . 
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