
Letter One                                            21 July, 2006 Dear Sirs, Our foreman, Mr. Li Ming, had an accident on July 6, 2006.He crushed his forefinger (食指) when operating a machine. At that time, we didn’t think theaccident was serious enough to report, but Mr. Li has returned to his workafter an absence of two weeks and is still unable to carry on his normalduties. We therefore wish to make a claim (索赔) underthe above policy (保险单) and shall appreciate yoursending us the necessary claim form.                《双调·沉醉东风》|||| 阅读下面一首元曲,回答问题。 《双调·沉醉东风》 关汉卿咫尺的天南地北,霎时间月缺花飞。手执着饯行杯,眼阁着①别离泪。刚道得声保重将息,痛煞煞②教人舍不得。好去者,望前程万里! ①阁着:含着。②痛煞煞:痛苦到了极点。(1)请说出“咫尺的天南地北,霎时间月缺花飞”一句的含义。 _________________________________________________________________________________(2)本曲运用了哪些人物描写的手法来表现离别的主题的?试举例说明。 _________________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐