
下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( ) A.绚(xuàn)丽 剽(piāo)掠 倩(qiàn)影           乳臭(chòu)未干 B.游说(shuì)         愤懑(mèn) 逶迤(yí)          不见经传(chuán) C.行(hánɡ)伍         名宿(sù) 充溢(yì)          厉兵秣(mò)马 D.泅(qiú)渡      倾圮(pǐ) 恐吓(xià)            否(pǐ)极泰来  根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 然后将答案写到答题卷 相应的位置上。选项中有两项多余选项。 —       51       — Of course. What can I do for you? — Can you tell me how I can get to the Excelsior Hotel from here? — The Excelsior? Let’s see, that’s in the city, right? —       52        — Well, you can take a bus to the city. Just go out the front door of the terminal and cross the street. There is a sign that says, “Airport- City Bus.” Otherwise, you can take a taxi. You can catch one right in front of the terminal. —       53        — It’s 5 dollars. — How about a taxi? —       54       — I’d better take a bus then. How often does the bus run? — I think you just missed one. There is a schedule printed on the sign outside. I think that the buses run every half hour or so. —       55       — Why so? — I have a lot of luggage and it’s late. Thank you!  A. Can you give me some information? B. Excuse me, can you help me? C. Yes, it is on forty-third Street, just off Eleventh Avenue. D. On the second thought, I’d better take a taxi. E. A taxi runs about 15 to 20 dollars. F. Do you know how much the bus fare is? G. Although a taxi is more expensive, it is faster and more convenient.  
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