
根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词. Have you ever thought, “Why do I have to learn math? I’m never going to use it!” Sometimes students think math is (1)j_______ something to bore them, and that it has no practical (2)v______ at all. Is it true? Math is the tool and language of economics, engineering and other sciences. It is (3)u______ in almost every field of the world. When workers build buildings with perfectly square corners, the Pythagorean Theorem (勾股定理) is (4)h______. When you want to know what scores you need to get on a final exam to become 摩托车上的热机工作时提供动力的冲程是   A.吸气冲程    B.压缩冲程    C.做功冲程    D.排气冲程
英语 试题推荐