
一辆汽车从静止开始匀加速开出,然后保持匀速运动,最后匀减速运动,直到停止,如表给出了不同时刻汽车的速度. 时刻/s1. 速度/m·s-1369121293 (1)汽车做匀速运动的速度大小是否为12 m/s?汽车做加速运动时的加速度和减速运动时的加速度大小是否相等? (2)汽车从开出到停止共经历的时间是多少? (3)汽车通过的总路程是多少?用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。【1】The boring movie made me _____________ (sleep).【2】_____________ (dance) to music sounds relaxing and exciting.【3】He couldn't understand what he said because he couldn't speak ________ (clear).【4】He only likes movies that are________(fun).【5】I don't mind__________(watch) cartoons though I'm already 20 years old.【6】He sticks to________(solve) the problem at once.【7】I won’t risk ________(ask) him such a stupid question.【8】I prefer to eat hamburgers rather than________(eat) noodles.【9】Danny tried his best to make the baby________(stop) crying. At last, the baby fell asleep.【10】When President Xi Jinping has spare time, he enjoys________(read) and sports.
物理 试题推荐