
The young Mother set her foot on the path of life . “ Is this a long way ? ”she asked . And her guide said “ Yes , and the ways are hard . And you will be old before you reach the end of it . But the end will be better than the beginning . ”        The young Mother had her golden days . She played with her children , and gathered flowers for them along the way , and bathed them in the clear streams , and the sun shone on them .        Then the night came , and the storm . The children shook with fear and cold , the Mother drew them close and covered them with blankets , the右图为绿色植物体内某些代谢过程中物质变化的示意图,①、②、③分别表示不同代谢过程。以下表达正确的是 (   )A.①中第二阶段有水的参与,第三阶段有水的产生,测定叶片的①的强度一定要将装置放在黑暗中B.②中产生的O2用于①的第二阶段,生成CO2,释放出少量能量C.③在叶绿体类囊体上进行,一定在黑暗中才可以进行D.X代表的物质在叶绿体中的移动方向为从叶绿体的基质移向叶绿体的类囊体
英语 试题推荐