
One day, a teacher was giving a speech to his students .He held up(举起)a glass of water and asked the class. How heavy do you think this glass of water is ?The students' answers ranged(范围) from 20g to 500g .It does not matter on the weight itself .It depends on how long you hold it .If I hold it for a minute ,it is OK. If I hold it for an hour ,I will have an ache in my right arm .If I hold it for a day ,you will have to call an ambulance(救护车).It is exactly the same weight ,but the longer I hold it ,the heavier it becomes.If we carry our burdens (负担)all the tim二十世纪初期,当时刚成立的中国政府曾把下列歌词作为国歌广泛传播:“东亚开化中华早,揖美追欧,旧邦新造,飘扬五色旗,国荣光,锦绣河山普照。”这个政府“揖美追欧”的表现有 ①实行三权分立   ②实行内阁责任制   ③实行“耕者有其田”  ④鼓励发展工商业 A.①②③       B.①③④           C.①②④       D.②③④
英语 试题推荐