
Accurately forecasting the weather is a very hard thing to do. There are many parts of weather dynamics — the study of how water and air in motion cause weather patterns — to consider. Even the best forecast can be changed by a small weather disturbance halfway around the world. Today’s forecast use complex computer models, weather instruments, and detailed analyses of daily observations to predict the weather. However, it hasn’t always been that way. People, like your grandparents, use folklore and proverbs to help forecast the weather. They remembered what conditions caused ch以下是我们日常生活中常用的清洗剂,其名称及有效成分如下表:清洗剂的名称洁厕灵“84”消毒液污渍爆炸盐活氧彩漂有效成分盐酸NaClO过碳酸钠过氧化氢(1)“洁厕灵”可以清除铁锈(主要成分是氧化铁),写出该反应的化学方程式________。(2)“洁厕灵”与“84”消毒液混合会发生如下反应:2HCl+NaClO═X+H2O+Cl2↑,对人体造成伤害。下列说法不正确的是___________(填序号)。 ①物质X由离子构成 ②NaClO中氯元素的化合价为-1 ③“洁厕灵”能用于清除水垢(主要成分是碳酸钙和氢氧化镁) ④对人体造成伤害的物质是氯气(3)“污渍爆炸盐”溶于水,生成Na2CO3和H2O2,再加入足量的“洁厕灵”,产生能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体,写出产生该气体的化学方程式_______________________。(4)“活氧彩漂”可用于漂洗衣物、杀菌消毒等,原因是其有效成分过氧化氢分子中含有“过氧基”(—O—O—)。据此推测,下列物质中可用作杀菌消毒剂的是________(填序号)。
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