
补充句子A: Li Mei, as a ninth-grade student, you must be very tired, right?B: Yes. We’re going to take the most important examination and we must review every subject.A: ____1._____B: No. I have to get up at a quarter past six every morning and go to bed very late.A: Why do you get up so early?B: _______2.____A: Does your mother also get up so early?B: Yes. She cooks breakfast for me. ____3.______A: Your mother is so kind. Well, how do you memorize English words?B: _____4.____A: Sounds great. _____5.____ I want to learn from you.B: OK, if you think it will help.A. Because I hav   某班级举行“数风流人物,还看今朝”的主题班会。为了给这次主题班会拟一副对联,同学们想出了一个上联,请你从下列8 个短语中选用4 个组成下联。   时代先锋  看今朝  兢兢业业   谱新篇  齐奋斗 继往开来  盼未来   勇争先  上联:忆往昔革命前辈开天辟地创伟业  下联:______________________________
英语 试题推荐