
86. The government should make smoking_______(非法的) in order to save lives. 87. ________ (统计数字) show that 50% of the new businesses fail in their first year.   88. With the passing of the so-called “end of the world”, things returned to ________ (正常) soon.    89. Usually what parents do i________ (影响) their children’s behavior in their later life.   90. Doctors are aiming to c________ (集中)more on prevention than cure.下图装置是某种气体X的发生装置和收集装置(必要时可加热)。所用的试剂从下列试剂中选取2~3种:硫化亚铁、二氧化锰、铜屑、氯化铵、稀硝酸、浓盐酸、蒸馏水。 请回答下列问题: (1)气体X的化学式是             。 (2)所选药品a是         ,b是           ,装置B的作用是           。 (3)用所选的药品制取X时离子方程式是                                 。 (4)在反应刚开始时A中的主要现象是                                   。  
英语 试题推荐