
The State of Rhode Island has become a popular family seaside destination. In addition to beach activities and water sports, kids can participate in supervised activities at cultural centres and tourist attractions around the state. The Kayak(皮艇) Centre of Rhode Island The Kayak Centre of Rhode Island offers Oceanplay to kids, a program for children between 9 and 14 years old. The course teaches basic kayak skills and safety protocol(协议) on the waters around historic Wickford Village. The all-day program includes games and skill-building activities at all skill levels. The packa下表是亚欧大陆40°N〜50°N四地气温距平值和降水距平值(距平值是该地气温、降 水与同纬度气温、降水平均值之差),据表回答下列问题。1.关于四地气候特征及成因的叙述,正确的是A. ①地主要受暖流影响,降水丰富,且季节分配均匀B. ②地受季风影响,冬冷夏热,气候大陆性强C. ③地位于大陆内部,远离海洋,气温年较差大D. ④地终年受副热带高气压带控制,降水稀少2.导致①地所属气候类型,在亚欧大陆的分布面积大于北美大陆的主要因素是A. 海陆分布、地形 B. 海陆位置C. 地形、洋流 D. 海陆热力性质差异
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