
“作者把这一千三百六十二年的史实,依时代先后,以年月为经,以史实为纬,顺序记写;对于重大的历史事件的前因后果,与各方面的关联都交代得清清楚楚。”以上评述与下面哪个著作相一致(    ) A.司马迁《史记》                  B.司马光《资治通鉴》 C.刘知几《史通》                  D.章学诚《文史通义》B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。【1】Noodle is one of the traditional foods in many_____(north) cities of China.【2】The two______ (president) wives visited the Paris Opera House together in France.【3】I grew up in a modern city, so it took me a long time to get used to_____(live) in this small town.【4】Although she is in her_____(eighty), Tu Youyou still keeps doing research to save peoples lives.【5】Green Book, a comedy drama film directed by Peter Farrelly,______ (win) the Best Picture Award on Feb. 24th, 2019.
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