
阅读下面的文字,完成(1)—(4)题。 谢晋的人生大智慧 李世琦     就在《文化名人人生智慧丛书》送来的第二天,我从媒体上得知了谢晋去世的噩耗,我看着手中的《谢晋人生智慧》(河北人民出版社2008年9月版)怅然若失,在这个大师稀缺的时代,又一位大师走了……     对新中国电影史稍微熟悉一点的人,对谢晋的电影作品都会顺口说出几部来。从上世纪五六十年代的《女篮5号》、《舞台姐妹》、《红色娘子军》,到八九十年代的《牧马根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1. Lisa, I didn't _________ (认出) you-you've had your hair cut!2. I usually just have a _________ (三明治) for lunch. 3. Mr. White announced that he would go to China in _________ (二月). 4. The story was first written in English and later _________ (翻译) into Chinese. 5. The village children like to go _________ (游泳) in the nearby river. 6. One of our ________ (邻居) kept a very beautiful garden. 7. The English teacher gives the class a _________ (听写) almost every day. 8. David turned and walked off in the _________ (相反) direction. 9. I suggest that we have _________ (定期) meetings.10. Rose rushed ________ (向楼下) to answer the door.
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