
写作部分;阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提问题 I’m Simon from America.I am twelve and I’m at Wllize.junior School(初中).This month We have two school events(事件).One is an English party and one is a school trip.Next month,there will be five events. here is a list.  DateEvent May12School Day May15-17English speech Contest  3:00pm--4:30pm May18Volleyball game 2:00--3:30pm May19Art Festiva 19:00am--5:00pm May24Music party 6:00--9:00pm    I'm in the school volleyball club.1 also like singing.1 want to play in the volleyb18.如图所示,水平传输带以v=20m/s的速度匀速向右运动,左右两边端点A、B的间距为L=10m.传输带左边接倾斜直轨道AC,AC轨道与水平面夹角为θ=37°.传输带右边接半圆形轨道BD并相切于B点,BD轨道半径R=2m.两轨道与传输带连接处认为紧密圆滑,物体通过连接点时无机械能损失.有一可视为质点的物体从B点出发以初速度v0向左运动.已知物体与传输带的动摩擦因数为μ1=0.4,物体与斜面的动摩擦因数为μ2=0.3,圆轨道光滑.问:v0至少多大,物体才能运动经过D点?(AC斜面足够长,结果保留3位有效数字)
英语 试题推荐