
1. 详细信息

单项填空  从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳答案填空

-- What’s your favorite sport?

-- Swimming. I think it´ s _________.

A. easier         B. more difficult        C. the most interesting  

2. 详细信息

Look at the twins. One is quiet, and ____ is outgoing.

A. another        B. the other             C. other

3. 详细信息

The sweater is _________ us to go hiking today.

A. warm enough of B. warm enough for       C. too warm enough

4. 详细信息

There is only _________ orange in the bottle.

A. a little       B. little                C. a few

5. 详细信息

If you want to make a banana milk shake you should ____ the blender.

A. open           B. close                 C. turn on

6. 详细信息

I do lots of exercise every day because I want to      healthy.

A. stay           B. make                  C. keeping

7. 详细信息

  Would you like to come to my party?

Sure,            .

A. I’ love       B.I can’t               C. I’d love to

8. 详细信息

         What’s           matter with you?

A. a             B.an                      C.   the

9. 详细信息

      did you go       vacation?

  I went to Shanghai.

A. What, for      B.  When, on             C.  Where, on

10. 详细信息

What will they do               ?

A. in the future  B. in future             C. future

11. 详细信息

完形填空  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出一个最佳答案填空。

A boy was walking in the street   1   a man came over   2   him and   3   him the way

  4   the station.

The boy was very naughty(顽皮的). He wanted   5   play a joke on the man. He pointed to

  6 side of the road and said, “Go down the street until you reach a shop. You can find it on your left.” The man thanked him and went away.

A few minutes  7  , the man came back. He said to boy that there was only a bookshop there and he   8   find the station.

The boy   9   and said, “  10  a map in the bookshop, and you’ll find the way!”

(    ) 1. A. but             B. because                C. when

(    ) 2. A. from           B. to                     C. for

(    ) 3. A. ask             B. asked                  C. tell

(    ) 4. A. to               B. for                       C. at

(    ) 5. A. to do          B. to                        C. show

(    ) 6. A. another       B. the other              C. one more

(    ) 7. A. before        B. after                    C. later 

(    ) 8. A. can’t          B. may not               C. couldn’t

(    ) 9. A. cried          B. smiled                 C. run

(    ) 10. A. Buy          B. Carry                  C. Show

12. 详细信息


假设你叫李红,下周六是你的生日,你准备在家开个生日晚会(7:30开始),想邀请同学和朋友参加。你家住在青年路(Qingnian Road )70号,乘1路或108路公共汽车在人民路(Renmin Road)下车(get off),家就在车站对面。房子是红色的,门是白色的。请根据以上信息,给好友王琳写封信,信中应包括以下几点:

1.邀请她参加晚会;     2.晚会的时间,地点;

3.你的住址;           4.如何到达;           5.你很希望她来。


Dear Wang Lin




















                                                                                                        Li Hong