
阅读理解 阅读下面短文,按要求完成各小题。 Nick and his friends were talking about things that can bring them luck. “I have a lucky red pen,” said Andy. “I have a lucky coin,” said Peter. “Every time I take a test, I carry my lucky coin.” Nick thought for a moment, and said, “My blue socks.” “Blue socks?” the boys were surprised and asked together. Nick said that every time he wore his blue socks to school before a test, he got a good mark.     The next day Nick had a Chinese test. He was sad because he couldn’t find his blue socks. “Mom!下列动物中一生用三种器官呼吸的是(  ) A、燕子B、鲤鱼C、青蛙D、蜥蜴
英语 试题推荐