
 “We started as a group of friends with the same problem:difficulty in our personal life to manage our time,being always in a hurry.” This thought was recently offered by Bruno to explain the origin of The Art of Living Slowly,an organization that he founded two years ago,with his wife,Ella. Bruno and Ella said they decided to draw more people's attention to the overlooked idea that “Time is wealth”.Last year,they created a new holiday,the first Global Day of Slow Living.Despite(尽管)its ambitious(雄心勃勃的)name,the event was limited almost completely to【2013年·广东梅州】 【试题】7.阅读下面的材料,根据要求回答问题(5分)   操从其说,即纵马向前,欠身谓云长曰:“将军别来无恙!”云长亦欠身答曰:“关某奉军师将令,等候丞相多时。”操曰:“曹操兵败势危,到此无路,望将军以昔日之情为重。”云长曰:“昔日关某虽蒙丞相厚恩,然已斩颜良,诛文丑,解白马之围,以奉报矣。今日之事,岂敢以私废公?”操曰:“五关斩将之时,还能记否?大丈夫以信义为重。将军深明《春秋》,岂不知庾公之斯追子濯孺子之事乎?”云长是个义重如山之人,想起当日曹操许多恩义,与后来五关斩将之事,如何不动心?又见曹军惶惶,皆欲垂泪,一发心中不忍。于是把马头勒回,谓众军曰:“四散摆开。”      上面文段节选自          (朝代)罗贯中所著《三国演义》,它描述的是一段耳熟能详的故事:          。文中的“云长”是指关羽,在原著中,曹操被描绘成“奸绝”,诸葛亮被描绘城“智绝”,而他被描绘城“           ”。从文段可看邮,他最主要的一个性格特点是         。请写出另外一个与他有关的故事名称                   。
英语 试题推荐