
(8分)2007年6月下旬以来,栖息在洞庭湖区400多万亩湖洲地中的约20亿只东方田鼠,随水位上涨而部分内迁。它们四处打洞,啃食庄稼,严重威胁沿湖防洪大堤和近800万亩稻田。 (1)生态学家研究发现,东方田鼠种群是在围湖造田期间迁入湖洲地的,迁入初期种群数量很少,一个月内随着水稻和芦苇等作物种植面积的不断扩大而迅速增长。为研究东方田鼠种群数量的变化规律,生态学家构建了数学模型,其过程如下表。 构建数学模型的一般方法构建东 阅读理解   All of my childhood and early, adult life, my mom weighed over 220 pounds(one pound=0.454 kilograms).I could feel the pain that my mom experienced with her fatness.   I was never uncomfortable about my mother, but I think she was uncomfortable about herself, and that feeling was painful for all of us.And she began to lose weight.   After more than twenty years of battling obesity(肥胖), my mother completed a forceful eighteen-month diet that left her ninety pounds lighter than before.A new woman was born! At age twenty-eight, I got a new mom! For the first time, I met the woman my mother truly was, the beautiful little lady under the fatness.It wasn't so much her new body that was the surprise, but rather her new spirit.   To celebrate her new size and to devote herself to dancing again, my mother joined a “Mrs.Forty-Plus” competition, where she would have to model, give a speech and provide a dance performance.She told our family that she did not care if she won-she simply had always wanted to perform on stage.   She told each one of us, “I'm not doing it to win; I'm doing it to dance!”   The competition was exciting! I prayed(祈祷)that my mom would win, but while watching her on stage I was simply overjoyed just by her effort.To me, she had already won.She posed to perfection, her speech brought tears to everyone's eyes, and her performance was wonderful.   That night, at age fifty-three, my mother was crowned(为……加冕)“Mrs.Forty-Plus”.She was the first person in our family to ever win such a title. (1) The first two paragraphs mainly show that the author's mom was ________. [  ] A. experienced B. painful C. fat D. comfortable (2) After the author's mom completed a forceful eighteen-month diet, she was about ________. [  ] A. 85 kilograms B. 41 kilograms C. 130 pounds D. 90 pounds (3) In order to join in the “Mrs.Forty-Plus” Competition, the author's mom has to do the following EXCEPT ________. [  ] A. providing a dance performance B. telling a funny story about herself C. giving a speech to a large number of people D. wearing special clothes to show to people (4) The underlined part in Paragraph 6 means that ________. [  ] A. the author's mom succeeded in modeling and speaking B. the author's mom's performance was very wonderful C. the author's mom was not successful in modeling D. the author's mom succeeded in making a speech
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