
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When your teenager is about to take important exams, you may feel as though you're living with a stranger.   71  So what can you really do to help? Trust your teenager First off, though it may seem easier said than done, trust your teenagers. Their study skills might differ from your own and it might be attractive to offer advice, or suggest additional hours slaving away under the lamp, but try to bite your tongue.  72  Turning revision into even more of a bore 请选出以下各项中交际语言运用得体的一项。(       )A.小明看见王大伯家失火后气冲冲跑来对母亲说:“火!冲天的大火!它吞噬了太阳!它遮住了大地!”B.这是令尊拙作,请赐教。C.我们旅行社在酒店的大堂设有服务台,欢迎各位旅客垂询。D.6月16日中午十二点在阳光饭店,我为我老爸开一个生日派对,你们荣幸被邀参加,务必前来,ok!
英语 试题推荐