
根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。My 14-year-old brother John and I saw the coat at the same time. The thick black woolen coat was soft, and it cost only $28. We looked at each other, saying n  1 , but John’s face was shining with joy. Dark woolen coats were p___2___ with boys just then, and could cost several hundred dollars. But this coat was even better and m  3 _  cheaper.John t  4 __ on the coat and bought it at once. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a big smile. “H_ 5__  did the kids lik氨对工业及国防具有重要意义,下图为某化学小组同学模拟工业合成氨原理设计如图实验。完成以下实验中相关问题:(1)检查装置气密性。(2)关闭ac,打开b,从长颈漏斗中加入稀盐酸,A中发生反应生成氢气的化学方程式为 ,在E出口处收集H2并验纯。(3)关闭a、b、c在盛满空气的多孔玻璃钟罩内用激光点燃足量白磷,此操作的目的是 。(4)待多孔玻璃钟罩冷却到室温,先打开a,再加热D处的酒精灯,最后打开止水夹 ,H2、N2在催化剂的作用下生成NH3,该反应的化学方程式为 .实验过程中C装置的作用是 ,E装置的现象为 ,此现象说明NH3溶于水后溶液呈 性。(5)实验室用固体Ca(OH)2和固体NH4Cl混合在加热条件下制NH3,应选用如图哪个装置 (填“A”或“B”),该反应的化学方程式为 。 (2) Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2↑; (3)除去空气中的氧气得到较纯净的氮气 (4)c;N2+3H22NH3;除去水蒸气;酚酞试液变红;碱; (5)B;Ca(OH)2+2NH4ClCaCl2+2H2O+2NH3↑ 【解析】 试题分析:(2)锌和稀盐酸反应生成氯化锌和氢气,方程式为:Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2↑; (3)生成氨气的原料之一为氮气,在玻...
英语 试题推荐