
压强----压强减小到原来的1/4---做法为了将压强减小到原来的1/4,以下做法中可达到目的的是A、受力面积不变,压力减小1/4;       B、压力不变,受力面积减小到原来的3/4 ;  C、压力和受力面积同时减小到原来的1/4   D、压力减小1/2 ,同时受力面积增大1倍。 答案:句型转换 82. He speaks French as well as English.(改为被动语态)    French and English _______ ______well by him. 83. The family didn't have enough money to send her abroad.(同义句)    The family couldn't _______to send her abroad. 84. Do you mind if I sit here?(同义句)    Do you mind my _______here? 85. Snow in winter is harmless to crops in the fields.(反意疑问句)    Snow in winter is harmless to crops in the fields, _______ _______? 86. His father has been dead since three years ago.(对画线部分提问)     _______ _______has his father been dead? 87. He didn't put on his coat because of the hot weather.(对画线部分提问)     _______ _______ he put on his coat? 88. advice, she, you, afternoon, did, good, any, give, yesterday(将所给单词连成一句语序正确的句子) ________________________________________________________________________?
物理 试题推荐