
    Red is the color of China. Among all the  l6 ,red is most easily seen. The color red isfresh and pure, 17  in China we call it China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the colorred not only because it makes people excited,but also because it has  18   meaning in Chineseculture and history.    No country in the world has ever  19  a color in such a way as China. Here, red is aSymbol. It gives color to the soul(灵魂)of the nation. In the past,red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery.Even now, Chinese people  20  the color much more than we do. It can be saidt3.如图是膝跳反射示意图,请据图回答下列问题:(1)叩击图中E部位时,小腿的反应是小腿突然抬起,这种反应是生来就有的,属于非条件反射.(2)膝跳反射实验,说明脊髓不仅有反射功能,而且有传导功能.(3)若图中的D部位受损,此反射将不能发生,原因是传入神经受损,不能传导神经冲动.
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