
补全对话;根据语境,用恰当的话语完成对话。 A: Hey, Bill,______(1)? B: Oh, I’m thinking about life in the countryside. A:________(2)? B: Yeah, I like it very much. In the countryside, the air is fresh, the sky is bluer, and there are also green trees and clearer rivers. A: It’s quieter, too. People can enjoy the beauties of nature there. A: ______(3)! B: So it is. The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand. I couldn’t see anything, and my face hurt while I was walking down the street just now. A: I’m sorry to hear that. But ______(4)? B话题作文 我们航行在人生的海洋上,开的是小船,但要进行的却是壮丽的航程。要达到成功和幸福的彼岸,你会经历各种“气候环境”:或激情澎湃,或消沉沮丧,或道德考验,或物质诱惑。而你需要做的,就是掌握好自己的人生之舵。 请以“掌握好自己的人生之舵”为话题写一篇作文。文体不限,题目自拟,但不得直接以话题为题。篇幅不少于600字。文中不出现真实的人名、校名和地名。
英语 试题推荐