
请根据首字母或括号内的提示用单词的正确形式填空。 11. She o_______ injury to win the Olympic gold medal.    12. This is a very e _______ film and almost everyone laughs while seeing it. 13. I have had enough and can’t eat another m _______ of dinner. 14. A c _______ person is happy with what he has, rather than worried about what he has not. 15. Chaplin devoted himself to the films t _______ his life. 16. I called on you yesterday, but u_______ you were out. 17. The a _______ stayed up, while the kids went to bed. 18. _______(确信) of the accuracy(精10.读山东省地图,回答问题 (1)在图中左上角的指向标上标出该图的四个方向.(2)东营在济南的东北方向.(3)图中东营到济南的直线距离是2.8厘米,两地的实地距离是168千米.(4)观察图中青岛的图例、位置,其经纬度约为36°N,120.3°E.
英语 试题推荐