
Summer Cultural Exploration in France        The Summer Cultural Exploration program in Amboise, France, provides students with the opportunity to study French in a friendly historic atmosphere while experiencing a taste of French culture.        Amboise        Amboise is a charming small town on the Loire River in central France. The royal Amboise castle was the preferred residence of Charles VIII, who built it in the 15th century. With a rich history and beautiful natural scenes, Amboise is the ideal environment for students to study French.        Learn   1.下列关于细胞中元素和化合物的叙述,不正确的是(  )A.糖类、脂肪、磷脂是由C、H、O三种元素组成的B.如果一种生物的核酸只由四种核苷酸组成,则该生物一定不是细胞生物C.mRNA、tRNA、rRNA都参与蛋白质的合成D.组成纤维素、淀粉和糖原的单体都是葡萄糖
英语 试题推荐