
 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子,每空格限填一词) 1. I need more ___________ for books in my room .(shelf) 2. Tom, you should clean the bedroom by __________. (you) 3. On Hainan Island, a lot of __________ (tour) enjoy swimming in the sea and eating seafood. 4. Guiding Dogs help blind people cross the road ________. (save ) 5. You mustn’t be ___________ (kind) to your new kitten. She’s so lovely. 6. Her leg was ____________ in the accident last week. (break)某年夏,书商晏海澜发现八股、诗、赋、楷法等科举应试的旧学书籍无人问津,自己大笔投资折损,于是转而售卖算学、医书等新学书籍,火爆一时。不料,数月之后,新学书籍又无人问津,旧学书籍重新红火,晏氏新书投资又打水漂。这一个案一定程度上折射出A.中国近代化深入发展 B.晚清出版业受到严厉打击C.弃文从商成为时代潮流 D.近代教育转型的艰难曲折 
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