
The crowd cheered and cheered. The man with the horn(号)waved and smiled his great smile. “More! More!” cried the crowd. And Louis Armstrong took his horn and began to play again.  Here he was in England. Now a famous man, he was rich. He knew many important people. Wherever he went, people knew his name. They wanted to hear his music. As he played the sad, slow songs, Louis thought of his home in New Orleans. He lived there as a boy. It was a busy, exciting city. But Louis’s family was very poor. He went to work to help his mother. He also went to school. One of Louis’s teacher如果地面上一切物体受到的重力都消失了,则不可能出现的现象是(  )A.江河的水不会流动B.鸡毛和铁球都可以悬浮在空中C.天不会下雨D.一切物体的质量都变为零
英语 试题推荐