
My husband Jeff and I moved into our new home in Scottsbluff last year just before Christmas. I did not have the   41   or energy to carry out my traditional Christmas decorating and baking activities. What was the point, anyway? It was going to be a   42   Christmas after all.   43  , the neighborly nature of west Nebraska residents started to trickle (陆续来临) in. There was a   44   on the door one evening. It was Jeff’s new colleague, John Smith, and his wife, Phyllis. The Smiths had stopped by to   45   us to town with a loaf of homemade bread. They point上海世博会曾吸引了大批海内外人士利用各种交通工具前往参观。然而在19世纪七十年代,江苏沿江居民到上海,最有可能乘坐的下列交通工具是(  ) A.江南制造总局的汽车        B.洋人发明的火车 C.轮船招商局的轮船           D.福州船政局的军舰
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