
We continue our Foreign Student Series on higher education in the United States. Now you move on to college life once you are admitted to a school. The first thing you need to value is a place to live. Housing policies differ from school to school. Students might have to live in a dormitory, at least for the first year there. Dorms come in all sizes. Some have suites. Six or more students may live in one suite. Other dorms have many rooms along a common hallway, usually with two students in each room . Many students say dormitories provide the best chance to get to know other students. Also, 9.阅读下面的宋词,回答后面的问题。采桑子欧阳修十年前是尊前客,月白风清。忧患凋零。老去光阴速可惊。鬓华虽改心无改,试把金觥,旧曲重听。犹似当年醉里声。(1)上阕的“月白风清”运用了什么艺术手法?请简要分析。(2)清人周济评论这首词有“藕断丝连”和“异军突起”之妙,请谈谈你的看法。
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