
阅读下面的文字,完成文后问题我的母校,我的梦 竹林   那面镜子,我是经常梦见的。   即使在梦中,我也知道,这面长方形的镜子,镶嵌在教学大楼的入口处,它又大又明亮,像最忠实的哨兵,恭候早晨蜂拥而来的每个莘莘学子。    老校长说,当你们走进校门的时候,你们要照一照镜子,看看镜子里的你,头发乱不乱,纽扣系好了没有,衣着是不是很整洁,脚上的鞋带有松弛吗?如果因为匆忙,你在某个细节上有所疏忽,那么镜子会告诉你。We know exercise is important in our life. Everyone needs to do exercise. Doctors say doing sports is good for us. Sports can make our body healthy.It’s very useful for children, too. It can make children clever. This means they will do well in study and schoolwork.There are easy ways to exercise. You can walk, run, or only jump. When you do exercise, you need to know what you are doing. Don’t do sports too much at a time. Try all kinds of sports and look for one, two or even three sports you like. You can also exercise at the gym (健身房). Exercise can be fun. It can make you happy. Friends can exercise together at a gym or they can do sports together at any place they like.【1】Sports can _________.A. make our body healthy B. take too much of our timeC. make everyone do well at school D. be very boring (乏味) for children【2】Doing sports is important for children because _________.A. it can help children grow fastB. it makes children know what they are doingC. it helps children do their schoolwork wellD. it is easy to do for children【3】The writer thinks _________ is easy to do.A. playing basketball B. swimming C. jumping D. playing football
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