
读“岩石圈物质循环示意图”,下列数码对应的地质作用正确的是         A.⑤外力作用                    B.⑥变质作用 C.③重熔再生作用                D.①冷却凝固 答案:D阅读理解。    Here is some advice to help you develop confidence(信心) and make friends at school:    ●Take a deep breath. You shouldn't be so nervous. Remember that in your new school you will find kids at your age. You're going to meet people like you there.    ●Do something nice for someone. Save someone a seat. Say" Hi" in the hall. Give congratulations for a job well done.    ●Use friendly gestures (姿态). Try smiling and laughing a bit when talking to others. This will make youfeel more relaxed. Be yourself. If your friends don't accept you, they're not real friends. Join after-school activities you like. Even if you don't know anyone there, you'll all share a common interest.    ●Look for other people who are new to the school. You're probably not the only one and at least, you'll have one thing in common: you're both in a new environment(环境). So making new friends shouldn't be so hard.    ●Don't sit at the back of the class where other people don't notice you! Try to sit in the middle where you are around everyone and can make conversations with them.1. What should you do if your classmates win a football game?                                               ______________          2. Do you have to change yourself to let your friends accept you?                                               __________________________________________                                                           3. You may     __    after school to meet someone who shares a common interest with you.4. Where should you sit in the class?                                                ______________         5. What is the best title of this passage?                                              ______________          
地理 试题推荐