
    Shane has no sense of direction. His friends often make fun of him. They say he needs a map to find the bathroom in his own house. He gets lost every time he goes shopping. Every street looks the same, and he quickly forgets which way to go. Sometimes he has to take a taxi home because he cannot remember the way to his house. Once the police had to take him home because it was two o’clock in the morning and he got lost in a shopping mall.        Shane watches a lot of films and reads a lot of books about animals. Each bird knows which way is south. Bats (蝙蝠) can fly at night 下列词语中加粗字的读音,全都不相同的一组是 [  ] A. 狙击 沮丧 含英咀华 越俎代疱 B. 揣测 湍急 苟延残喘 惴惴不安 C. 估价 枯槁 怙恶不悛 沽名钓誉 D. 嗔怪 瞋视 文思缜密 镇定自若
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