
While I studied at school, I felt a great difficulty in learning my Latin translations.I was always very  1   in using a dictionary, and  2   in most difficult, while so other boys it seemed no  3   . I formed an alliance(盟友) with a boy in the Sixth Grade. He was very clever and   4    read Latin as easily as English. My friend for his part was almost as  5   trouble by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was   6  these Latin words. We agreed together that he would  7  me my Latin translations and that I should do his **ays. The arrangement  8在“测定电源电动势和内阻”的实验中,实验室仅提供下列实验器材:A.两节旧干电池,每节电动势约1.5VB.直流电压表Vl、V2,量程均为0~3V,内阻约3C.电流表,量程0~0.6A,内阻小于1D.定值电阻R0,阻值2E.滑动变阻器R,最大阻值15F.导线和开关若干(1)请根据连接的实物图甲,在图乙虚线框中画出对应的电路图;(2)根据图甲电路进行实验,测得多组U、I数据,作出U-I图象,求出电动势和内阻的值均小于真实值,其产生误差的原因是 。(3)实验过程中,由于电流表发生了故障,某同学又设计了图丙所示的电路测定电源的电动势和内阻,实验中移动滑动变阻器触头,记录Vl和V2的值如下表所示,用测出的数据在图丁中绘出U1-U2图线。组数123456电压U1/V0.801.251.531.721.871.98电压U2/V1.601.872.由图线可得被测电池组的电动势E= V,内阻r= Ω.(结果保留两位有效数字)
英语 试题推荐