
I was always the joker, the one who could make people laugh by some jokes. I was   41   very popular but people liked having me around. However, it all changed when I changed schools. I used to make fun of everybody with my    42  friends. We   43  whispered others’ names when they walked past us to make it look   44  we were talking about them.   45   , my new “friends” always kept  46    and would never say the things as we did before. So if you    47  any of them to   48    me in one word, it would probably be: MEAN. I was never your normal hig3.将下列地形区与其对应的地理特征组合A、长江中下游平原    B、东南丘陵   C、四川盆地    D、云贵高原甲、贫瘠的红壤      乙、肥沃的水稻土   丙、喀斯特地貌丁、肥沃的紫色土a、“鱼米之乡”b、“紫色盆地”,物产富饶    c、旅游资源丰富   d、种植茶树、毛竹等经济林木A---乙-----a       B---甲-----dC---丁-----b       D---丙-----c.
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