
Here is the Nine O‘clock News:  1. President Absul Krim of Syria says that the danger of war in the Middle East is greater now than for the past two years. His country does not want war, he says, but the Syrian people have waited too long for an end to the troubles with their neighbors. If war comes, says Mr. Krim, Syria will be ready. 2. Ben Kitson, a writer of stories and plays for children, has died at his home in California. Mr. Kitson was 82. His most famous book of stories, “The Gentleman‘s House” sells all over the world, in more than twenty-five languages. 3. Policemen i下列关于苯酚的叙述中,不正确的是 A.其水溶液显酸性,俗称石炭酸 B.苯酚暴露在空气中,会因与CO2作用而变质 C.在水中的溶解度随温度的升高而增大,超过65℃可与水混溶 D.其浓溶液对皮肤有强烈的腐蚀性,如果不慎沾在皮肤上,应立即用酒精擦洗
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