
句型转换(共10个空,每空1分,共10分)1. There are some apples on the tree. (变成否定句) There __【小题1】___ ___【小题2】__ apples on the tree.2. There are four desks in the classroom? (对画线部分提问) __【小题3】___ _【小题4】___ desks are there in the classroom?3. How’s the weather today? (写出意思相同的句子)  ____【小题5】___ the weather __【小题6】___ today?4. My friend is thirteen years old. (对画线提问) _【小题7】___ _【小题8】____ is your friend?5. Has he got any sisters? (做否定回答)   化学兴趣小组利用如图装置进行电化学实验,下列预期现象正确的是A. X和Y与电流表连接,将Zn换成Fe,测得电流更大B. X和Y与电流表连接,将盐桥换成铜线,电流表指针偏转C. X和Y分别与电源“+”、“-”极相连,Cu极质量增大D. X和Y分别与电源“-”、“+”极相连,盐桥中阴离子向Zn极移动
英语 试题推荐