
One day a famous speaker gave a speech to a crowd of people. He held up a   36   bill. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill ? ” Hands were   37   . Then he said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first let me do this.” He began to crumple(弄皱)the   38  . He then asked the audience, “   39   still wants it ?” Still the hands went   40  in the air.   “ What   41   I do this? ” He asked, and he   42   it on the ground, and started to step on it. He   43   it up. Now the bill was   44   and crumpled. “ Now who still want20、已知平行四边形的三个顶点坐标分别为(0,0)、(0,4)(3,1),则第四个顶点的坐标为(3,5),(3,-3),(-3,3).
英语 试题推荐