
You may know the difference between an American accent and a British accent. But do you know what a “posh” (优雅的) British accent is? The difference may be more important than you think. There are many different accents in the UK, some of them very difficult for foreigners to understand. In the south, many people speak with what is known as a “posh” accent, an accent that makes people think of the British Royal Family and upper-class people in the UK. In this accent, “grass” sounds more like “gr-ar-ss”, and “bath” sounds more like “barth”. Often, British peo15.下列关于物态变化分析正确的是(  )A.厨房蒸笼旁的“白汽”是水汽化形成的B.冰雪在熔化过程中温度升高C.“烛泪”在凝固过程中要吸收热量D.液化石油气是通过压缩体积的方法液化的
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