
When Russell Lyons volunteered for the first time, he read “Goodnight Moon” to a class of San Diego preschoolers. And it wasn’t reading — he’d memorized the book and was reciting it out loud. He was 4. Still, he said it felt good there, in front of the other kids, lending a hand. He wanted more of that feeling.        Thirteen years later, he’s getting a lot of it. He’s on a five-month road trip across America — not sightseeing, but volunteering.     The University City resident has spent time at an animal reserve in Utah, a women’s shelter in St. Louis, a so多选对于我们中学生来说,自觉承担责任意味着A、自己的事情自己做 B、所有的事情都由自己决定 C、做好自己力所能及的事 D、对自己做的事负责
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