
Are you interested in higher education in the United States? The following advice might help you. ●     College, University or Institute College and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living. But many colleges don't offer graduate studies. Universities are generally bigger, offer more programs and do more research. An institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities. Seventy-five percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the arts. ●     The Appl 完形填空。     My name is David Dutton. I created this website   1   I wanted to write about the places to visit around the world. I hope I can   2   you find a cool place to take your next trip.      The   3   places to see in the world are usually off the beaten path (走惯的路) and only the local people   4    where to look. However, I have made friends with the local people so I can share their   5   with you! I will   6   you the coolest places and all the coolest shops   7   going far away. Speaking of that, you might want to find the   8   coolest places.      "But David…Isn't traveling   9  ?" some people visit and ask.      Well, if you  10  these places, it will cost you very little money at all. And your friends and family will  11  you for taking them there.      Listen,  12  is short! There is no better time to travel the world than now. It will never be a perfect time to make a plan to places where you  13  wanted to go. Take action now, so you can create memories for the  14  of your life. That's what finding the coolest places to means. So it's your best  15 .     If I can help you with something, please contact me. (     )1. A. so      (     )2. A. make    (     )3. A. coolest   (     )4. A. list    (     )5. A. pleasure  (     )6. A. allow    (     )7. A. without   (     )8. A. city’s   (     )9. A. interesting(     )10. A. find    (     )11. A. thank    (     )12. A. time    (     )13. A. never   (     )14. A. same   (     )15. A. place    B. but     B. let     B. biggest  B. know    B. kindness  B. show    B. with    B. country’s B. expensive     B. pick    B. love    B. life    B. often    B. quarter   B. friend    C. because      C. see         C. easiest      C. discover     C. friends      C. reply        C. for         C. world’s    C. difficult     C. visit       C. remember     C. the vacation C. sometimes     C. best       C. choice      D. and              D. help             D. most convenient              D. reveal           D. secrets          D. suggest          D. against            D. family’s     D. convenient       D. dream            D. enjoy           D. the weekend       D. always           D. rest             D. vacation       
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