
If you are a Lefty, then Left Handers Day is just for you!             The world is built for right handers. In school, have you ever seen a left handed desk? They don't exist. Many left handed items cost more. The computer mouse is designed for right handers. Scissors for right handers. Only a lefty would understand this.             But do you know that right handed people operate in the left side of the brain. Left handed people use the right side. Therefore, only left handed people are in their right mind.             Left Handers certainly earned the right前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫在1991年12月25日辞职演讲中说道:“我们什么都多:土地、石油和天然气、其他自然资源;智慧和才能也不错。我们的生活却比发达国家差的多,越来越落在他们的后面……”导致这种现象的决定性因素是 A.经济基础极其薄弱                 B.东欧剧变的直接冲击 C.高度集中经济政治体制的弊端       D.西方国家长期的经济封锁
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