
     Boy In The Tower by Polly Ho-Yen is a story of fear and hope, loneliness and friendship. Ade and his mother live right at the top of a tower block. It can get a bit lonely up there, but Ade loves to spend hours sitting at the window watching the whole city unfold down below.     Things are pretty quiet in the flat since his mother fell ill. She has stopped cooking meals and doing the housework and singing the songs she always used to sing. In fact, these days she hardly gets out of bed. Ade doesn’t know what to do, so he watches the world outside. But suddenly that starts与家兔吃植物的生活习性相适应的消化系统特点有              (    ) (1)门齿发达      (2)犬齿锐利      (3)臼齿宽阔   (4)消化道长      (5)消化道短      (6)盲肠粗大 A、(1)(2)(4)(6)            B、(2)(3)(4)(6)  C、(1)(3)(4)(6)             D、(2)(3)(5)(6)
英语 试题推荐