
     how to work out the difficult physics problem ,he asked the teacher for help . A. Not to know   B. Not knowing  C. Knowing not    D. Not known 答案:I’m Bob. My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages(旅游套餐) via telephone for a well-known company. One day, the dialer (接线员) connected me to a man who answered the phone and sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal tone, and expecting to hear the normal response, “I don’t want any”, and be hung up on. Instead he spoke in a阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料1:重庆市涪陵区是闻名涯迎的"榨菜之乡"。而宜昌在19世纪末就成为中国第一个涪陵榨菜销售市场,至今仍是主要集散市场,材料2:8000 ---10000年前的青藏高原,曾经水草丰美,古人类在广阔的草原上过着狩猎生活,后来随着高原的不断隆起,气候变得寒冷干燥,人类被迫迁出.材料3:“茶马古道”是云南、四川与西酿之间的古代贸易通道,由于是用川、滇的茶 叶与西藏的马匹、药材交易,以马帮运输,故称"茶马古道"。汉文史料中多有藏人“嗜 茶如命”字样;藏地民谚有“汉家饭果腹,藏家茶饱肚”之说。早在汉唐时,这条以马帮运茶为主要特征的古道就发挥作用了。(1)根据材料1,概括宜昌形成榨菜集散市场的条A件。(2)试根据茶树的生长习性及西藏地区的气候特征分析藏地不产茶的原因。(3)马帮运输很长时间以来成为茶马古道所经地区较为单一的主要交通运输方式,试从地形角度分析其原因?
英语 试题推荐