
Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with different kinds of  situations.    Love plays a main role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don’t always care about it. It is onl 连线题 1.东西塔 2.谢公亭3.江心寺4.澄鲜阁5.浩然楼6.来雪亭 A.云日相辉映,空水共澄鲜。B.众山遥对酒,孤屿共题诗。C.丛林忽涌中流地,双塔曾擎半壁天。D.孤屿亭何处?天涯水气中。E.寺影一拳石,潮声四面风 。F.罗浮山下雪来,扬子江心月照谁? a.宋·文天祥b.唐·孟浩然c.宋·林景熙d.唐·杜甫e.宋·张扩f.东晋·谢灵运                                                 
英语 试题推荐